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- History
History at Tabor will develop learners’ interest in and enthusiasm for history and an understanding of its intrinsic value and significance. Students will acquire an understanding of different identities within society and an appreciation of aspects such as social, cultural, religious and ethnic diversity. They will develop their use and understanding of historical terms, concepts and skills.
Students study four units for A Level:
- Unit 1: British period study and enquiry: Britain 1930-1997
- Unit 2: Non-British period study: The Cold War in Europe 1941-1995
- These topics make up 40% of the final A-level grade.
- Unit 3: Thematic study and historical interpretations: Popular culture and the witch craze of the 16th and 17th centuries
- Unit 4: Topic based essay: Learners will complete an historical enquiry on a topic of their choice
- Unit 3 is assessed through one examination paper that is worth 40% of the total A-level. Unit 4 is an essay undertaken by students that is worth 20% of the total A-level.
Students should be able to consider the nature of historical sources and the methods used by historians. They will organise and communicate their historical knowledge and understanding in different ways, arguing a case and reaching substantiated judgements. Students should also acquire an understanding of the nature of historical study, for example that history is concerned with judgements based on available evidence and that historical judgements are provisional.
Why choose this subject?
If you find people and the world they live in fascinating then the history A-Level curriculum at Tabor will further ignite your passion and interest. History will foster the development of critical and reflective thinking with an understanding of historical topics and issues. Furthermore, it will encourage an understanding of the importance of historical awareness in explaining contemporary issues. Our content will create independent learners, thinkers and decision-makers – all of which are personal assets that will make you stand out as you progress to Higher Education and/or the workplace.
Combine this course with: English literature, English language, a modern foreign language, economics, media studies, religion and philosophy, sociology
Essential if you go on to: Law, journalism, politics – national and local government, teaching, heritage and the arts, academic research, museum studies, civil service, librarianship
Exam overview
Exam board: OCR
How many exams: 3
Coursework: Yes
Code: H505
Support for learning
Useful links
- My Revision Notes: OCR AS/A-level History: Britain 1930-1997 Paperback – 27 Jan. 2017
- My Revision Notes: OCR AS/A-level History: The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Paperback – 26 Jan. 2018
- My Revision Notes: OCR A-level History: Popular Culture and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries Paperback – 26 Jan. 2018
- OCR A-level History Coursework Workbook: Unit Y100 Non exam assessment: Topic based essay.
Career Links
If you find people and the world they live in fascinating then the history A-Level curriculum at Tabor will further ignite your passion and interest. History will foster the development of critical and reflective thinking with an understanding of historical topics and issues. Furthermore, it will encourage an understanding of the importance of historical awareness in explaining contemporary issues. Our content will create independent learners, thinkers and decision-makers – all of which are personal assets that will make you stand out as you progress to Higher Education and/or the workplace.
Combine this course with: English literature, English language, a modern foreign language, economics, media studies, religion and philosophy, sociology
Essential if you go on to: Law, journalism, politics – national and local government, teaching, heritage and the arts, academic research, museum studies, civil service, librarianship
Sought after if you go on to join: Armed forces, police, Law firms, and more.
A Level Results 2024
Congratulations to the Year 13 students on achieving:
Grades A*-C 40.00%