

Why choose this subject?

  • If you enjoy foreign travel and meeting new people
  • If you would like to have the edge over other people in your choice of career
  • If you like expressing your ideas and points of view on issues which interest you
  • If you want to boost both your job prospects and your salary by speaking more than one language
  • If you want to gain a greater understanding of other cultures and develop knowledge about matters central to the society and culture, past and present, of the countries where the language is spoken

If this applies to you, then you should study A’ Level French

Combine this course with: Any subject.

Essential if you go on to: Law, Journalism, Management or Teaching.


Course Description

The ‘AS’ course covers two themes:

Theme 1: Changes in French Society and

Theme 2: Political and artistic culture in French Speaking Countries


The ‘A’ level course continues from the two AS themes and leads on to study of two further themes:

Theme 3: Immigration and Multicultural Society and

Theme 4: Second World War Occupation of France and the Resistance Movement

Students will learn skills to enable them to understand speak and write more confidently. The lessons will be conducted mainly in target language and students will be able to practise their skills regularly.


‘AS’ Level on Themes 1 and 2

Paper 1: listening, reading and translation 40% (marked by Edexcel)
Paper 2: written responses to works and translation 30% (marked by Edexcel)
Paper 3: speaking 30% (conducted by teacher as examiner and marked by Edexcel)

‘A’ Level on Themes 3 and 4

Paper 1: listening reading and translation 40% (marked by Edexcel)
Paper 2: written response to works and translation 30% (marked by Edexcel)
Paper 3: speaking 30% (conducted by teacher as examiner and marked by Edexcel)

A Level Results 2024

Congratulations to the Year 13 students on achieving:


Grades A*-C   100.00%