

Promoting Girls Sport

October 29th 2021

Over the last week the Year 10 Prefects have been promoting girls sport at Tabor. They have created an area on the Astroturf, at lunchtime, where girls only Netball and Football takes place. It has been hugely popular with all year groups resulting in over 25 girls on a daily basis bringing in their trainers to play sport at lunch.

The main organiser is Kathleen in year 10. Kathleen found that many girls were not participating in sport in school due to a wide range of reasons, but the most prominent was the stigma behind it. She wanted to create an environment where all girls can play sport together and enjoy the social aspect of playing as part of a team.

We would still like more girls to bring in their trainers to play and build girls sport at Tabor. Girls we need you!

Well done Kathleen and the team of Prefects!

Click on the links below to find out more