
Physical Education


Department Mission Statement

‘To fully prepare children for now and their future, by giving them the tools to lead a Healthy Active Lifestyle through a variety of fun and enjoyable activities and to experience the important value of competition and deal with the emotions of winning and losing’


The PE curriculum offered at Tabor School is both traditional and diverse. New and exciting activities are constantly being provided to allow the students to continually be challenged but enjoy their PE with different activities.  For example, handball has been a new sport added to the curriculum and the students all really enjoy it, alongside football and tag rugby for the girls.

The main aims of the department are for each child to develop in the areas of skills, knowledge, attitudes and personal health, understanding how they can use the skills they have learnt in PE at Tabor to lead a healthy active lifestyle once they leave Tabor.

The facilities here at Tabor to deliver PE are excellent. We have access to a sports hall, dance studio, all gymnastic apparatus, all-weather surface, netball/tennis courts, athletics track, large playing fields (football pitches, rugby pitch, rounders pitches and cross-country circuit) and most recently 4G astro turf.



  • To keep our curriculum under review to ensure a wide range of perspectives are represented and offered
  • To enable students to develop their knowledge of sport and exercise
  • To develop student’s confidence; physically, mentally and socially
  • To encourage students to work as a team and to value team and individual work
  • Educate students in basic life saving skills- First Aid
  • To show students the value of learning through gameplay

Pe curriculum map


Education through a variety of activities at KS3 that enable students to; learn, develop and refine their skills in the different team and individual areas of the curriculum. Physical Education provides access for all pupils to a programme of broad, balanced and challenging learning experiences.  The KS3 curriculum is designed to promote and develop every pupil’s ability to acquire, develop, select and apply knowledge, skills and understanding, alongside their knowledge and appreciation of fitness and health. Students will all have 2 hours of PE per week. These lessons will be split into 2 different sports each term, rotating sports every 6 weeks.

All students receive 2 hours per week of high-quality Physical Education in year 7, 8 and 9 and will experience the following activities:

PE KS3 map

During each year at KS3 students will be taught key skills at each sport, with game play being one of the skills. These skills each year will be more progressive and challenging keeping students engaged and challenged year on year while always keeping the goals in touching distance no matter the students ability.


At Tabor in KS4 GCSE PE is an option subject. Students will study the AQA GCSE PE course (course info below) which is separated into 2 theory-based lessons and 1 practical based lesson a week. The department have developed their own order that the course is taught, we believe this is the most effective way of teaching the course giving students the opportunity to make crossover links with the KS3 curriculum and use these experiences in their more advance studies.


AQA GCSE Physical Education

Examination Level:                   GCSE
Examination Group:                  AQA
Written Examination Value:      60%

Paper 1: The human body and movement in physical activity and sport


What's assessed

  • Applied anatomy and physiology
  • Movement analysis
  • Physical training
  • Use of data

How it's assessed

  • Written exam: 1 hour 15 minutes
  • 78 marks
  • 30% of GCSE


Answer all questions.

  • A mixture of multiple choice/objective test questions, short answer questions and extended answer questions.


Paper 2: Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport

What's assessed

  • Sports psychology
  • Socio-cultural influences
  • Health, fitness and well-being
  • Use of data


How it's assessed

  • Written exam: 1 hour 15 minutes
  • 78 marks
  • 30% of GCSE



Answer all questions.

  • A mixture of multiple choice/objective test questions, short answer questions and extended answer questions.


Non-exam assessment: Practical performance in physical activity and sport

What's assessed

  • Practical performance in three different physical activities in the role of player/performer (one in a team activity, one in an individual activity and a third in either a team or in an individual activity).
  • Analysis and evaluation of performance to bring about improvement in one activity.

How it's assessed

  • Assessed by teachers
  • Moderated by AQA
  • 100 marks
  • 40% of GCSE



  • For each of their three activities, students will be assessed in skills in progressive drills (10 marks per activity) and in the full context (15 marks per activity).
  • Students will be assessed on their analysis (15 marks) and evaluation (10 marks) of performance to bring about improvement in one activity.

GCSE Results 2024

Congratulations to the Year 11 students on achieving:

PE (Sports Studies)            

Grades 9-4     55.26%

GCSE Results 2023

Congratulations to the Year 11 students on achieving 27.6% grade 9 to 4

GCSE Results 2022

Congratulations to the Year 11 students on achieving 83.3% grade 9 to 4

Department code of conduct

For all lessons Physical Education lessons, pupils are expected to:

  • Participate in all activities.
  • If you are ill or injured students must provide a note that is written by a parent/carer/doctor, which clearly explains exactly what you can or cannot do.
    • However, we still advise you to get changed and try and do what you can manage, even if means just being a coach or referee.
  • Wear complete and correct Tabor kit. Tabor Blue Polo or Rugby Top, Blue Shorts (suitable length for physical activity, around knee/ thigh length) & White Socks. Tabor Fleeces can be worn during cold weather. Under armour tops are fine to be warn, as long as they can’t be seen and are not being warn in preference to any other item if school PE kit. NO LEGGINGS. 
  • Kit marks will be issued when incorrect kit isn’t worn.

KM1- Phone call home

KM2- Lunch time detention

KM3- Afterschool detention with CTL

  • No jewellery of any kind may be worn in any PE lesson
  • Tie all long hair back
  • Arrive promptly to all lessons and change quickly and quietly once invited into the changing rooms by your PE teacher
  • Stay out of all store cupboards and leave all equipment until asked to enter/use equipment by a PE teacher
  • Respect and take care of equipment, returning it safely and correctly to the appropriate place
  • Behave in a safe and responsible manner at all time
  • Remember that: everyone has the RIGHT to be safe and everyone has the RIGHT to learn
  • Try my hardest in all lessons, regardless if the sport or activity isn’t one of your favoured. 
  • Respect ALL others around you

We understand that not everyone will like PE, we encourage all students during the sports and an opportunity to try a variety of activities, in hope that you will find one suitable to you. You will get the opportunity to be a leader, organiser, coach, official and spectator as well as a player.

Kit / Equipment

Correct PE kit

Support for leaning

There are a number of different resources we guide students to use. Most of these are for the exam subjects. However, we do guide KS3 student to use some of these also, to extend their awareness and knowledge of different sports.


  • Youtube- Great for visual learners and highlights of games
  • TV- Watching sports- this will help aid your development as a sportsperson and help to improve your knowledge in sport if you chose GCSE PE at KS4



  • Seneca Learning- Fantastic Website.
  • BBC Bitesize (link will take you to the page for ALL topics)
  • AQA’s own website has past papers and mark schemes you can download
  • Textbook- AQA GCSE (9-1) PE (Aqa for Gcse) Paperback – 24 Jun. 2016 (Amazon)
  • Revision Guide- Revise AQA GCSE (9-1) Physical Education Revision Guide: includes online edition (REVISE AQA GCSE PE 2016) Paperback – 17 Jan. 2018
  • Revision Work Book- Revise AQA GCSE Physical Education Revision Workbook: for the 2016 qualifications (REVISE AQA GCSE PE 2016) Paperback – 31 Dec


  • Textbook- AQA A-level PE Book 1: For A-level year 1 and AS Paperback – 29 July 2016
  • Textbook- AQA A-level PE Book 2: For A-level year 2 Paperback – 25 Nov. 2016
  • Workbook- My Revision Notes: AQA A-level PE (Aqa a Level My Revision Notes) Paperback – 24 Nov. 2017

Extra- Curricular

Tabor offers an ever-growing extra-curricular timetable. Afterschool sessions are free of charge and are ran by the teachers in the department. On occasions we are lucky enough to get external agencies to help us deliver areas of extra-curricular. Activities are either afterschool or at lunchtime. 

Activities range from individual fitness to netball and rugby clubs, where students can attend if they are keen to represent the school or just for enjoyment. We are lucky enough to be members of the NWED (North West Essex District) where the group of schools have different competitions across a range of different activities. These competitions strongly effect the extra-curricular time table and what we offer and when we offer it.

Extra-curricula Clubs


Career links

P.E. is a subject accepted by employers. It is useful for students who are considering a career that includes any aspect of sport.  For example:

  • Sports scientist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Sport psychologist
  • Biomechanist
  • Sports coach
  • Personal trainer
  • Kinesiologist
  • Nutritionist
  • Orthopaedist
  • Referee
  • Sports medicine
  • Performance analyst