



History is everywhere. It is not only the past itself but the legacies of the past in the present.  History connects things through time and encourages students to take a long view of significant events. History encourages an enquiring mind. For example, just what is it that makes an event significant in the first place and why do different people view the same event in a different way?

All people are living histories. They live in societies with complex cultures and traditions that have taken a long time to evolve. Understanding the link between past and present is essential for a good understanding of what it means to be human.

With a range of high quality teachers within the department, we feel we have expertise in every area with which to support your child and help nurture them into conscientious, thoughtful and risk taking historians.


  • To make the study of History relevant and engaging.
  • To foster independent learning.
  • To encourage confident and thoughtful young people to take an interest in the world around them.
  • To develop the student’s skills as well as enthusiasm.
  • To develop a lifelong love of learning.



All students study a range of historical periods ranging chronologically from Pre-historic times, Medieval history right the way through to almost present day. British history features strongly with units of study focused on the Tudor monarchy and the home front during World War Two. Students also get the opportunity to explore European history such as the rise of the Nazi’s and the impact of the Great Depression. Furthermore, fascinating explorations of the international slave trade and the scope of the British Empire across the globe place world history firmly in our programme of historical study. The programme of study across the three years has variety and interest for anyone curious about people, places and the decisions we make as a society. There is the chance to get to grips with political, economic and social history, so there will be something for every student to enjoy. Most importantly, we actively encourage our students to challenge historical interpretations. For example, was William of Normandy’s decision making during the battle of Hastings as decisive and brilliant as previously believed? Or did he just get really lucky on the day against a battle weary force? Did Harold cost himself victory?

Students in Key Stage Three will study the following topics. These topics have been chosen to give students the opportunity to develop a wide variety of historical skills, and an understanding of the world in which we live today.

Year Autumn Spring Summer




What is History?


The Battle of Hastings and the Norman Conquest.


The Battle of Hastings and the Norman Conquest cont.


Medieval Life. (Including Medieval Project)

The Crusades, Knights and War


Medieval Monarchs.






The Black Death and Its Impact.


Health and Medicine in the middle ages.


Local History - Project Work






Tudors and the Reformation


The Gunpowder Plot.


The execution of Charles I.

Changing London and Britain

Jack the Ripper

The British Empire


Road to Emancipation




World in Conflict – WW1


Women’s Suffrage.


World in Conflict – WW2


The Holocaust


World in Conflict – Cold War


Students in Key Stage Three will study the following topics. These topics have been chosen to give students the opportunity to develop a wide variety of historical skills, and an understanding of the world in which we live today


Overview of Curriculum

When students choose history at GCSE they will hone their research skills and ability to analyse original source material in a series of exciting topics newly available.. We study the USA 1954-75, including the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War, as well as more familiar topics such as early Elizabethan England including Renaissance art and culture, global exploration, piracy, spying and changes to religion. Students’ source skills will improve as they explore case studies during the ‘Medicine in Britain c1250-Present day’. For example, we study the Black Death and a diverse range of historical periods to understand the continuities and change that have taken place in the diagnosis and treatment disease and illness.

History is a fascinating subject and the Modern World period includes topics that give an insight into events that are happening today. You will learn a great deal about where today’s society has come from and how our history plays an important part in shaping who we are. In addition to interesting subject content it develops many useful skills.  You will become critical of what you read and develop your ability to reason and argue your point of view, using evidence to support your opinion.

Paper 1: Medicine in Britain c1250-Present day

Students will show an understanding of causation, change, continuity, similarity, difference and significance. Topics include: The Theory of the four humours, bloodletting and the role of religion as well as the changes in hospitals and surgery, the Black death. As well as a look at individuals such as Harvey, Nightingale, Jenner, Flemming, Florey and Chain. We also finish this module with a case study analysing the ‘Historic environment’ – The British sector of the Western Front 1914-18. This will focus on injuries and illness in World War One as well as trench warfare itself.

Paper 2: Elizabethan England AND Superpower Relations and the Cold War

Elizabeth I is one of the most famous monarchs in English history. Some people have admired her so much they have called her ‘Good Queen Bess’ and even ‘Gloriana’ because she was so gloriously successful. This GCSE course gives pupils the opportunity to study in depth the issues Elizabeth faced and decide for themselves whether she deserves such a successful reputation. Topics include: the problems she faced upon accession, the Religious settlement of 1559, the plots to assassinate her and reasons for exploration.

The Cold War was a long period of tension between the democracies of the Western World and the communist countries of Eastern Europe. The west was led by the United States and Eastern Europe was led by the Soviet Union. These two countries became known as superpowers. The course charters the key events, personalities and rise and fall of conflict that took the world towards the edge of total and final destruction.

Paper 3: The USA at home and abroad

This unit is all about attempts to progress Civil Rights across mid twentieth century USA. We compare the roles, strategies and beliefs of MLK and Malcolm X. We study the progress made in education, ending segregation and the Civil Rights Acts before analysing the significance of the opposition to this bid for equality. The topic ends with an in depth look at the origins, outcomes and consequences of the Vietnam war.

EXAM BOARD : Edexcel



GCSE Results 2024

Congratulations to the Year 11 students on achieving:


Grades 9-4     53.09%

GCSE Results 2023

Congratulations to the Year 11 students on achieving 41.3% grade 9 to 4

GCSE Results 2022

Congratulations to the Year 11 students on achieving 56.3% grade 9 to 4

Extra- Curricular

In the History Department we strongly believe there has never been a more important time to study History – a subject that is not only academically challenging but crucial for an understanding of one another and of the world we live in. We are committed to passing on our love of the subject, in the courses we teach and through our extra-curricular activities.


The department strongly believes that nothing brings History alive more than visits to historical sites themselves, so field trips form a key part of our teaching. We hope to get back to running visits very soon. Year 7 will visit the Tower of London. Year 9 will also go to London to visit the Imperial War Museum. We also hope to take Year 10 to the Battlefields in France.

The department also offers a club each term.

Career Links

History is highly regarded by colleges, universities and employers and can give entry to higher qualifications in subjects such as Law, Economics and Sociology.

There are also many areas of employment directly related to history such as museums and the media. The first step after GCSE would be to apply for our sixth form and carry on your studies with us as a stepping stone to university further down the line.

Useful Links